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Signs of Teen Trauma

teen boy learning about teen trauma

If you have a health issue, you get medical treatment. Therefore, if you experience trauma, you should undergo trauma therapy. Teens with trauma should work on processing it, with professional help if needed, because unresolved trauma can negatively affect the way they live their lives as adults.

Trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter a person’s sense of security, making them feel helpless in a dangerous world. Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, but any situation that leaves someone feeling overwhelmed and isolated can be traumatic. Trauma can be caused by one-time events, such as an accident, an injury, a natural disaster, or a physical attack. It can also be caused by ongoing stress such as dealing with sexual harassment at work, living in a crime-ridden neighborhood, or living with a chronic medical condition.

Searching for trauma therapy options for teens near Denver, CO? Reach out to Imagine Fort Collins today by calling 888.291.2309 or contacting our team online.

What Is the Connection Between Teens and Trauma?

Teen trauma has many causes, including a breakup from a significant relationship, a deeply disappointing experience, the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, or recent surgery.

Teenagers are also more likely to experience trauma if they’ve already experienced any form of childhood trauma, such as being in an unstable or unsafe environment, being separated from a parent, having a serious childhood illness, or undergoing any form of childhood abuse. However, previous trauma isn’t enough to diagnose current symptoms, unless the previous trauma is also unresolved.

If you are worried about the behavioral, emotional, and mental health of someone you care about, keep an eye on them. Provide your support, listen to them, and watch out for observable signs of trauma in teens.

What Are the Signs of Trauma in Teens?

Each teenager may react differently to trauma. However, teens struggling with trauma have some common symptoms that their loved ones can observe. The following are signs associated with teen trauma:

  • Aches and pains
  • Agitation
  • Declining academic performance
  • Denial or shock
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling sad or hopeless
  • Guilt and shame
  • Impaired concentration and focus
  • Insomnia or nightmares
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Muscle tension
  • Social withdrawal

When Should Struggling Teens Consider Trauma Therapy Options?

When it comes to teens and trauma, professional treatment is often recommended. Teen trauma can only be processed and healed once it is faced. Parents and guardians needn’t be too worried because teen trauma is actually not rare. A recent study shows that more than 60% had been exposed to at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. More than 15% had experienced three or more such events.

Adolescence is a time of transitions and growth. Remember that teens are increasingly exposed to the world on a larger scale. This exposure happens as they mature and take steps toward adulthood. Even with a great support network and the best of intentions, accidental trauma can still occur. You can’t completely protect children and teens from trauma.

If your teen has been recovering from recent trauma and you feel that they’re stuck or simply not improving, it may be time to see a trauma-informed therapist. It’s important to find trauma-informed treatment facilities because if your teen has a negative experience during the assessment and diagnosis processes, they may not be as open to undergoing trauma therapy sessions.

Learn More About Imagine Fort Collins’s Trauma Therapy Options

If you’re looking for trauma therapy options for teens near Denver, CO, contact Imagine Fort Collins today. Reach out to our team online or call 888.291.2309 to get started right away.

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